I've seen video of unique individuals using very creative ways of getting out there and getting noticed. I've seen a woman with a t-shirt with her resume on it going out there pounding the pavement and handing out resumes.
But, I haven't seen a way of using musical talents to get a job yet, until I peeked into Brad Karsh's blog, author of "How to Say it on Your Resume," who linked into Good Morning America's story on a talent show to do just this.
You can check it out for yourself: http://www.abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=6894463&page=1
But, I haven't seen a way of using musical talents to get a job yet, until I peeked into Brad Karsh's blog, author of "How to Say it on Your Resume," who linked into Good Morning America's story on a talent show to do just this.
You can check it out for yourself: http://www.abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=6894463&page=1
Now back to the book - I was so inspired that I had to come to the library, where I'm typing this on my laptop, keep your fast typing to yourself, section, with the intention of opening up all my past resumes, and seeing what really pops. Maybe I'll put some volunteer work back in, maybe I'll pick out more points of being a business owner. The writing in this book is very real, and applicable right away. Check out his site http://www.jobbound.com. I highly recommend it.
Marketing is always a work in progress - and focusing on words? A never ending process. For example, When I would create targeted direct mail pieces for different industries, I would always think of what it was that would get someone to take action immediately. Often, it was a "free" video or cd. So to think that connecting with someone to see me or hear me perform was an incentive at one time...hmm...
How do I turn the page and close the chapter on the performing world to fully transition back into the corporate world? It was great to break into radio and use sales to develop my marketing skills. You pool all your skills - nothing goes to waste, you just become more well-rounded, hopefully.
I just might dust off those karaoke tracks that I used when I was performing on a solo gig.
Ain't that a kick in the head?
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